
Problem Solution Essay

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When tackling any paper its necessary to understand the format or ways of putting your ideas on paper. For starters, you need to understand the type of paper you are writing and use the proper and efficient process. For problem solution papers here are some tips that you might find handy in your quest to write a fabulous paper.

Problem stating. As you begin its important to first state the problem you intend to solve. You can write a paper on any problem you find, but it’s best not to sound trivial or petty. Therefore personal problems or grudges rarely make good papers. Do not also go overboard by tackling very big problems. Such will only add to your workload and you may not be able to exhaust it which might make your paper weak. It’s therefore wise to think local but choose that affects more than yourself.

Selection justification. After identifying the problem it’s advisable that you try to justify your selection. After this scrutiny you still think that the problem is still worth handling then you are well on the right track. Firstly you to ask yourself; why does it matter, why is it problematic and why should it be solved. Try to establish what you about the said problem and also include your assumptions. Understand what you need to learn about the problem you are trying to solve and get down to the research. Don’t do all the work find people who would be willing to help you with your research. It will save allot time and sleepless nights.

Opinion prioritizing from those around as early as possible. Feedback will go a long way in making the paper more honest and in tune with real demand. The feedback can be from basically anyone; relatives, friends even your local village elder. Well, you get my point.

Research finalising. Another tip would be that you be objective in your analysis and also while making your conclusion. It would be wise to finalise your research first before making any conclusions. Rushing your problem-solving paper results in a shallow analysis and solution. Another worth noting is that you can know everything about any given topic so when you think you are done 

General outline. When it comes to the actual writing of the paper, it’s important to first put down the general outline of your paper. Start with the problem s it’s the easiest and most logical place to start. Give a brief statement and introduction. This is where you put all the beds things cause by the problem. Next would be the middle section where you express the concerns of others. It’s common for writers to right after stating the problem to want to jump straight to the solution after all it’s a problem-solving paper. However, it’s always best to brief go through what others have done in regard to the problem at hand. Here you also establish the pros and cons. this goes a long way in indirectly differentiating your particular solution.

Solution giving. When it comes to giving your solution, concentrate on making it the best argument, the best solution and the most practical. Be clear and concise making sure state not just what to, but how to as well. Work hard to invite people to support your solution. Show them it’s all for the cause. It’s when you have put down all your ideas that you can now finally put your thesis.

In conclusion, read through your paper and see if addresses the issues you intended it to and also the people whom you intended to help. Use visualisations where possible. Try to bring your problem and solutions come alive.