
Types of argumentative essay topics

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When you choose to write about an argumentative essay initially you should come up with a good topic. A topic that will have major and strong points to argue on.  Here are some of the things you as a student should note before making up your mind to write an argumentative essay.

  • The topics to be used in an argumentative essay should be specific and straight to the point. For instance avoid the general topics that could bring out both the positive and the negative side. A topic such as “smoking in the bus is prohibited” is a good topic as the points you argue on are narrowed down to a specific area. And so your points will be around the angle of smoking specifically in the bus.

  • The topic just like the word suggests should be argumentative. It should contain strong points that you can argue on and convince the opposing side. An argumentative essay well argued can change the minds of the opposing side.
  • Your topic should have strong points that come along with your argument. You could take some time to come up with a better topic, ensure your points and evidence that come along leave the audience something to go with or probably change their thoughts completely.
  • On your topics ensure that there is a claim of fact, definition, cause, value, or policy. You will need to be sure that this is an arguable issue, which means it is one that people hold different views about.

Here are examples of argumentative essays with regards to education.

  • How do university and college studies benefit students?
  • Does having a uniform contribute to our success in high school?
  • Are private colleges up to task of tutoring students?
  •  What role does the improved technology play in our education sector?
  • Is free university education valuable to students?
  • Does online education make students better than others?
  • How is education in America different from that in the African context?
  • Why do Africans go to study abroad?
  • How is education of help to the elderly?

Examples of argumentative essays on social issues

  • Should young girls contest as models?
  • Should a young teenage boy smoke bang and cocaine?
  • How can the increasing rape cases be conquered
  • Should abortion be legalized with a certain age?
  • Should the homeless children be adapted?
  • How a divorce makes life better for the two couple
  • Should family be part of your life?
  • Should boys participate in beauty contests?
  • How do drugs benefit your body?
  • Should witchcraft be encouraged in your community?
  • Should young girls be allowed to date?
  • What age is appropriate for dating?
  • Should gay couples be able to marry?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school

Argument Essay Ideas about War and Military

Is war inevitable?

  • Does war bring a society together?
  • Is war a good way of bringing some disorder in a county?
  • Should the military fight against their enemies
  • How does war become integral to society?
  • Is war justified?
  • Does a lot of fighting bring vengeance?
  • What causes war among countries
  • What might help establish peace?

Argument Essay Topics on Technology

  • Are cell phones beneficial to humans
  • Computers should be introduced at the lower school level
  • Cell phones have reduced interpersonal skills
  • Are Video games are good destructors?
  • Are cell phones dangerous? 

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